
01 Making a strategy work

Organizations thrive or die depending on their ability to compete effectively. In today’s dynamic markets, an organization’s competitive advantage can be determined by answering this simple question: How quickly can you execute?

Most companies don’t struggle when developing a strategy. They struggle when it comes to implementing this strategy effectively and with achieving tangible results. Regardless of whether you are integrating an acquisition, dealing with re-engineering or cost reduction, or transforming your whole business model: If you don’t get the people aligned, you won’t get a satisfying execution.

A proper communication design that ensures your organization will engage diverse stakeholders and multipliers is indispensable for operational success and is often easier done from an outside perspective. Without being constrained, we view your company as a system with all sorts of field forces, such as conducted and obstructive interactions between multiple stakeholders.

With our minimally invasive approach, we help you achieve your execution goals through designing and facilitating an impactful communication process.

“Focus on your communication. Not on the what, but on the how.”

02 Accelerating change

To add something new to what already exists can be a real challenge. But changing what’s already there can be much harder. And what do you do in a business environment that’s constantly changing and won’t go back to ‘the good old times’? Even when you change your whole business model, there is no guarantee change will be long-lasting.

Even if you don’t have to compete against businesses that work out of a garage, take risks, operate fully agile, and have a different kind of energy and drive, it’s vital for today’s companies to constantly challenge… and let go of what is blocking them from adapting quickly to market needs.

Transformational changes may be inevitable. They take place on different levels, involving new structures and processes, ways of collaboration, skills and competences, mindset.

And while it’s one thing to navigate yourself through the midst of such deep, wide-reaching and unpredictable turbulence, aligning and mobilizing hundreds or thousands of other people might be the hardest part of dealing with change.

We help you to achieve your goals through designing a participation process that enables your organization to deal with change integrally.


You cannot turn off doubt, fear and uncertainty. But you can learn to embrace them.”

03 Innovate faster than the competition

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the innovative power in your organization? And regardless of where you stand right now, what would it take to shift that power to a significant extent?

Clearly, it is the responsibility of leadership to be able to explain the reasons for the desired cultural shift (the ‘Why’), over and over again, if needed.

Then, to some extent, creativity and intrapreneurial thinking are skills people can learn and train. On a technical level, it’s a relatively easy thing to do—e.g., with methods such as design thinking, lean start up, the business model canvas, etc. Developing the right mindset might be harder for some, as it requires one to reflect on fixed thinking patterns and consciously break them. That can be a painful process that requires executive level commitment to push it through.

Finally, even in the most effectivity-driven corporation, you have to be aware that innovations need time and space. So, on an organizational level, it is imperative to foster a non-judgemental mentality and a working environment where people feel psychologically safe to experiment, which includes learning from past failures.

We help you to achieve your goals through creating a genuine culture of innovation with an integrated personal and organizational development approach.

“Instead of asking ‘How can we do it?’, ask, ‘Who can do it?’“

04 Getting the team right

Profits and products are just derivatives of the most crucial asset for any organization—its human capital. Yes, machines can be programmed to do one thing and the next. But only humans can imagine and do the next big thing. Managing people means managing interconnectedness, structures, mindsets and even spirits. This inevitably sets the ground for complex situations and problems to arise.

Complex problems require multi-perspective solutions. Getting the team right involves many aspects, such as fostering connectedness across divisions, creative problem solving and effective communication. The objectivity of a consultancy as an outside entity can bring a fresh perspective on these processes. The stuckness within teams or team mindsets is often related to the silo mentality. This reduces sharing resources and ideas between individuals and groups and threatens organisational success. 

Therefore, getting the team right requires sustainable solutions and emotional intelligence in leadership. Even if those are present, today’s fast-changing environment constantly challenges managers and team leaders with new paradigm shifts.

We help you to achieve your goals by providing you with a multi-perspective solution that improves internal communication and breaks down the silos within your organization and team members’ mindset.

“Break the silo mentality. Allow open sharing of resources and ideas.”

05 Customer centricity

The idea of a customer-centric approach usually seems familiar to most employees of an organization, although when you ask for a definition you might receive different explanations.

The approach of putting the customer first in everything that the organization does is not the only aspect of a customer-centric mindset. It is vital that this mindset is also woven into the decision-making process and level of employee autonomy. Those who don’t interact directly with customers also need to be trained to understand the impact their actions may have on the customer experience. In order to get the team mindset to this orientation, leaders need to focus on growing a culture of empathy and sensitivity. It is often easier to educate and train the team in such qualities than to constantly look for people who possess them in advance.

The topic of decision-making in a company and its relation to the customer experience is deeply related to its structure type: is it hierarchy-based, is it agile enough and does it stem from the customer’s needs first before everything else? These types of inter-department relations can be adapted and modified with the help of coaching and a mindset shift.

We help you to achieve your goals by providing you with a smooth process throughout a mindset shift toward a people-centric, empathic and autonomous approach that gives immediate results in the customer experience.

“Successful organizationsstart with the customer and work backwards.”

06 Diagnose, steer, evaluate

How do you measure progress in your organizational development? Or maybe first of all, why should you? Well, maybe you have experienced the effect most companies struggle with: Spending a lot of money on training courses, seminars, etc., only to find the people who attend those courses, seminars etc. and the people who attend those courses don’t transfer their learnings into tangible action. So, from a business perspective, you would seriously question the return on investment.

One of the keys to moving from ‘knowing’ to ‘doing’ lies in measuring progress. You’ve heard this before: What’s measured gets done. Especially when it comes to establishing new processes that require new ways of doing things, let alone new ways of thinking, there’s a high risk that people will fall back into their old habits.

Driving organizational development with sustainable results requires defining ‘key performance indicators’ for the success of the change you’re facing, continuously measuring progress and interlacing this into a communication plan that enables and empowers the people in your organization to execute.

Smart apps or software-based solutions like the Change Indicator, the Agility Indicator or a Stakeholder Change Feedback can even catalyze this process.

We help you to achieve your goals through innovative, customized state-of-the-art digital tools.

“Every tool you use has an impact on your corporate culture.”

07 Mindset & spirit

What does it take to achieve great business results in today’s unpredictably developing markets?

This question is strongly related to the question of how well organizations manage to engage the right people to contribute to a shared vision or goal. We believe the most effective way to accelerate engagement and productivity lies in creating an organizational environment where people experience purpose and genuine recognition for their individual talents.

Wherever your organization is today, in our role as a partner and facilitator of organizational learning and development, we will mirror your existing culture and make visible what prevents people from reaching their full potential.

And we do it in the most effective, rewarding and sustainable way: With a systemic, strengths-based mindset, we support and enable your leaders, divisions and your whole organization to act and interact more authentically and, at the end of the day, more successfully.

We help you to achieve your goals by helping you to create a corporate culture where people are able, willing and allowed to contribute to their full potential.

“Building trust is the key.”